One Year After the Way of the Warrior

it’s been a year since the publication of Arya, the Anthology of Vedic women. My story, the Way of the Warrior was one of the ten stories about strong women from ancient India. In case you are wondering there are enough strong women in the epics to keep me busy for a lifetime. You might have heard a load of rubbish – that ancient India exploited women and they were helpless victims. It only shows ignorance – that whoever says that has not read the original texts. There has been too much misrepresation from secondary texts.

It’s been an interesting journey and I loved meeting the other authors and exchanging experiences. A writer’s life tends to be too isolated so meeting other authors is always such a pleasure.

Indica did some interviews recently and here is mine, where I talk of my story and my character, Chitrangada, a warrior princess from the Mahabharat.

You can read the interview below.

Chitrangada – Woman Who Spoke Her Mind

I really enjoyed writing the story. Finished a novel as well for which I am seeking a publisher. Its been quite a journey. I took time off this blog so that I could finish my book. Now that it’s done I am going to write a series on what I learned from writing a novel and all the interesting details I found in my extensive research.

A writer’s perspective is different. When I research I am looking for little details which might seem irrelevant to others. Those small pieces build up the story. I will be writing more about that now that I am back to blogging.

Aryaa, the anthology published by Indica, is available on Amazon.