Spring submissions

Submissions are now open for the Spring 2014 issue of World Haiku Review.

whr-smallSend up to ten haiku and the suggested themes are romance or spring subjects but you do not have to stick to the themes.

Please read the complete guidelines HERE and follow them.

The deadline is 6 April, 2014. You have plenty of time so go ahead, get writing and submit your best.

Cold and Short and Busy

That is what February was. Cold – it caught the tail of the bad weather up north and got as cold as Mumbai can get. Short – where did it go? Busy – yes, work done, and lots happening as well, enough to fill all the early dusk days.

A good month. My articles ‘Muses have no sense of time’ was published and an interview as well. Several submissions await responses, some overdue by now.

A writer’s life, another month of it, most of the day at the notebook and keyboard, words filling up the hours late into the night.

W1S1 February 2014- Fahrenheit