The Way of the Warrior

The Way of the Warrior is my story based on a character from the Mahabharata about Princess Chitrangada, only child of the king and queen of Manipur, who refused to behave a like fairy tale princess, waiting for a prince. She choose to be a warrior instead and took charge of the army of her country. When the Prince did come along, it was a completely different story.

The book, Aryaa, will be out on the 18th after a book launch in Bangalore. Ten authors have picked ten strong women from the pages of the Sanskrit texts and retold their stories for a contemporary audience. These are queens and warriors, sages and mothers and each story is very different from the last.

This anthology has been a long time in the making with very thorough edits and each story workshopped as well. We each commented and discussed each others stories. A very big thank you goes to Prof Otis Haschemeyer for reading every one and giving us his valuable feedback.

The book is brought out by Indica Academy and ably curated Shivakumar GV who patiently organised the long process of polishing the selected stories until they shone.

I will put up more posts about the other stories. Below is the anthology poster and a list of the ten authors.

Published by

Rohini Gupta

I am a writer of poetry, fiction and non fiction.

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